Misak Cholokyan: landscape of space, or geography of substitutions

The pictorial variety of forms and their figurative interpretation are typical for Misak Chochokyan’s creative method. The construction of the model of the image, seemingly shapeless and chaotic in its structure, actually has a clear and verified scale of basic comprehension of a fine and slender construction. This construction is held together by barely perceptible […]

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Undervalued Art of Watercolor

Among the majority of collectors and art lovers, oil painting is the most in demand. Watercolors are not so popular, but they are no less important. Their cost is significantly lower, but this does not mean that the creation of such paintings takes less time and effort. Works made in watercolor technique were painted by […]

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A man doesn’t need much… At the very end of spring, the wonderful artist Misha Pivovarov was gone

At the very end of spring there was no great artist Misha Pivovarov. On the first day of summer we said goodbye to him… The short life of a man who could be read as an open book by his paintings written in this spring-summer flavor ended. A man doesn’t need much:                                                                                                Silence after […]

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Tapestry: a fresh look at the art of the Middle Ages

As far back as in ancient times complex and expensive wall carpets in production focused on wealth and status of their owner. Tapestry, or to be more precise, trellises, could only be afforded by wealthy people: merchants, professors of prestigious universities or higher ministers of the church. Today, however, the tapestry is much cheaper than […]

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